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High improvement of high -level elevator learning function, high -rise elevator response plan


1. High lifting height learning function of the elevator

Due to the stretching of the traction wire rope and the speed limit device wire rope, the

elevator may shake the car in the bottom floor and cause the accuracy error of the flat floor in the low area. To avoid the above two situations, the following two functions are used :

① Car vertical vibration suppression function (FF control)

② Speed limrope tension correction function (GRS correction)

In order to learn the parameters of each control function, the operations need to be learned.

working hours

Job order number



SET pattern




rewriting to the



Automatic writing




After rewriting the software, there will be a layer picker fault. So the autowrite layer.


write before the layer


FF gain learning (bottom level)



At the bottom vibration learn the vertical vibration suppression gain.



writing the layer



original learning



If the running speed of the elevator cannot

exceed 60m / min, or the accuracy of the bottom flat layer needs to be improved, conduct GRS for initial learning



the balance coefficient


Automatic writing





After adjusting the balance coefficient, automatically write the layer.



correction learning



The acceleration stretches the speed limiter

wire rope and causes the deviation of the base layer height data. So you need to do the bottom layer of high correction learning.



learns the operation

(Top level, bottom level)



The elevator runs up and down at 90m / min and 240m / min for the whole process, learning the top and bottom GRS corrections.




Adjust the GRS

correction amount




The GRS correction amount can be adjusted manually by the potentiometer.

[matters need attention]

When the mechanical properties of the wire rope change, the above learning homework needs to be done again.

For example, replace the wire rope. After the replacement is

completed, redo the above study homework and rewrite the

height. · The error of the bottom layer becomes larger (visual inspection ; above ± 5mm)

· After the wire rope replacement

· After wire

rope cutting · After secondary decoration of

the car

[Confirmation method]

To firm whether these functions work as follows.

① Ground floor area, elevator maintenance (manual) mode, SET 1 / 0=A6, SW 1 ▽ (long press) and SW 1 ▽ (long press)

If "F1" flashes, these functions are in a valid state. (This step describes the learning in 1-1)

② After the writing layer is completed, the elevator is in the bottom automatic mode, with SET 1 / 0=A / 9, SW 1 ▽ (long press) and SW ¹ ▽ (long press)

If the "GS" flashes, these functions are

in an active state. (This step describes how effective the learning content in 2- 1)

0. Jobs after rewriting to the software

0-1. Automatic layer height learning

After rewriting the software, there will be a layer picker fault. So you need to write the layer automatically.

1. Manually write pre-layer jobs

1-1.FF Gain learning (bottom level) [SET 1 / 0=A / 6]

Operation overview


Autom atic /

manua l


sedan load

The 7 SEG is shown

Coupe speed, Sedan running state


1. Initial position of the car

The car i s parked in the bottom flat layer area.




The elevator is parked in the

bottom, flat floor area


2. Status


Confirmation that the HTOP value is not less than 4

(16m / min) (MON 1 / 0=9 / C 7SEG1)


3. Enter the learning mode

SET 1 / 0=A 6 , SW 1 ▽ ( lo n g p r ess )

hand movem ent


SW 1 ▽ Long press again





4. Learn how to operate

Manual mode, long press the uplink button.


16m / min – 8m / min

repeat rows


5. Study results show that

After more than 70s


Study success judgment

If the indicator light is shown in the right table, stop the maintenance




lights on

After the uplink

button is

released, the elevator stops running.

Continue learning until

"F1F" or "F1C" is on

Study failure judgment


5F1E "

lights on

There is no

need to learn to judge


F 1 C ]

li ghts


6. Learning success or do not need to

determine the steps after learning

Set SET 1 / 0=0 / 8 and exit the learning mode.


If the




operatin g again from

step 3.

7. Steps after

learning failure

The elevator runs to the

bottom flat floor area and reoperates from step 3.

Manua l

work (main tenan ce)


The elevator runs to the bottom level area

You may have to do it three


Note : Before completing the learning operation, if the CPU is cleared, the learning data will also be cleared. So you have to learn it from scratch.

2. After manually writing the layer of homework

2 - 1 . Scaling volume GRS, primary learning [SET 1 / 0=A / 9]

· If the elevator running speed cannot exceed 60m / min or the accuracy of the bottom layer needs to be improved, you can learn the expansion amount of the bottom speed limit rope through the initial operation of GRS.

· After the learning operation is completed, the elevator continues to run to the top floor. If the adjustment is completed, the elevator will stop sharply once in operation due to the # 29 OFF fault. · The learning operation should be carried out under half a load in the sedan car.

Operation overview


Autom atic /

manua l


sedan load

The 7 SEG is shown

Coupe speed, Sedan running state


1. Initial position of the car

The elevator is parked in

the bottom, flat floor area. Flat layer area : it can be detected simultaneously

RLU, and the RLD

signal. (That is, the usual flat layer error is within ± 10mm)

volun tar il




The ladder

stops in the bottom flat layer area


2. Enter the learning mode

Set SET 1 / 0=A / 9, SW 1 ▽ (long press)


SW 1 ▽ Long press again





3. Run up (60m / min)

SW 2 △ Long press and start to run up


"Display Floor]

Run up at 60m / min


4. Study results show


Continue to run toward the top level


Study success judgment

If the table appears on the

right, it indicates successful learning.





Study failure judgment

If the table is displayed on the right, it is a learning failure.


「Er 」 ill ume


(5. Urgent stop)

If the learning is

completed, the elevator will stop sharply due to the # 29 OFF fault.


The elevator to stop

Emergency stop

example : When the elevator is

running, switch to manual


6. Learn

successfully or do not need post-

learning steps

Set SETV 0 =

0 / 8 to exit

learning mode


7. Steps after

learning failure

The possible reasons for the learning failure are as follows. Check the following points and then conduct the learning operation again. Layer selection failure

· Expansion volume GRS corrected value over 200mm (please contact the Engineering Headquarters).

3. Work after adjusting the balance coefficient

After adjusting the balance coefficient, we can improve the learning accuracy.

3-1. Bottom layer high corrected learning [SET 1 / 0=A / D]

· The height correction of the elevator at the bottom layer and the bottom layer is obtained

by comparing and calculating the height value measured in 4m / min maintenance operation and the height value measured in the automatic writing layer mode.

· In order to improve the learning accuracy, please automatically write the layer during the half load in the car.

Operation overview


Automa tic / manual work


sedan load

The 7 SEG is shown

The car speed

Sedan running state


1. Initial position of the car

Semi-load of sedan

The elevator is parked in

the bottom, flat floor area

volunt arily



Stop in the bottom flat layer area


2. Automatic write layer

Write layer operation


The elevator moves to the top floor at 60m / min.


3. The elevator runs to the bottom level

The elevator runs to the bottom at half a load


In automatic mode, the elevator runs towards the bottom level


4. Confirm the start position of learning

The elevator stops within the bottom RLD separation board. (Better stop within flat error ± 10mm)


The elevator stops within the bottom RLD separation



Switch to the manual mode


moveme nt


5. Enter the learning mode

Set SET 1 / 0=A / D, SW 1 ▽ long press


The frdy or fFin is lit


SW 1 ▽ Long press again





6. Learn how to operate

Long press the uplink button in manual mode.




The elevator runs upward at 4m / min


7. Study results show that

When the elevator runs to the bottom + 1 layer to



Study success judgment

Manual mode stops When

manual mode stops, as shown on the right table


[Fin」 illume

Release the uplink button and the elevator stops


Study failure judgment





8. Operation after successful learning

Set SET 1 / 0=0 / 8 exit learning



9. Operation after

learning failure

The reasons for learning failure are shown below, and then after again. · Stop the elevator before completing the study

· Switch to automatic mode during learning

· Run from the bottom flat layer area to the bottom + 1 layer at the same speed · Layer selector failure

· Expansion volume GRS corrected value over 200mm (please contact the Engineering Headquarters).

3 - 2 . Scale GRS learning operation (top, bottom) [SET 1 / 0=A / A]

· The top and bottom expansion GRS is learned through the elevator to the top floor at 90m / min and 240m / min.. After completing the bottom layer high correction learning, perform the learning operation.

Operation overview


Auto mati c / manu al


sedan load

The 7 SEG is shown

Coupe speed, Sedan running state


1. Initial position of the car

During the car half load, the elevator stops in the bottom floor area [within ± 10mm]

volun tar il




Stop in the bottom flat layer area [within ± 10mm]


2. Status


Verify that VTOP = 0 A [240m / min] is above (MON 1 / 0=9 / D)


3. Enter the learning mode

Set SET 1 / 0=A / A, and SW 1 ▽ long press


[Rdy "or [Fin" lit



SW 1 ▽ Long press again


"1.U" 4 " flashes


4. Run up (90m / min)

SW 2 △ long press, the elevator began to rise




90m / min to run up


5. The elevator reaches the top floor


[1.U "4" is lit



6. Reconfirm the learning model

SW1 ▽ long press


2.d "4" " flashes

Stop in the top level area

[within ± 10mm]


7. Run down (90m / min)

SW 2 ▽ long press, the elevator began to fall





8. The elevator

reaches the bottom floor


2.d "4" is lit



9. Reconfirm the learning model

SW1 ▽ long press


3.U "4" " flashes

Stop in the bottom flat layer area [within ± 10mm]


10. Run up (240m /


SW 2 △ long press, the elevator began to rise


"Floor display

Run up at 240m / min


11. The elevator reaches the top floor


3.U "4" " is lit



12. Reconfirm the learning model

SW1 and long press


4.d "4" " flashes

Stop in the

top level area [within ±



13. Run

down (240m / min)

SW 2 ▽ long, the elevator began to fall


"Floor display

240m / min to run down


14. The elevator

reaches the bottom floor


4.d "4" is lit



15. Reaccept and

confirm the learning mode

SW1 ▽ long press


5.U "4" " flashes

Stop in the bottom flat layer area [within ±





6. Up to 240m /


SW 2 △ long press, the elevator began to rise




Run up at 240m / min


17. The elevator reaches the top floor and

displays the

learning results


5.U "4" lights up


When learning success


Fin」 illume


When learning fails


Er」 illume


18. Operation after successful learning

Set SET 1 / 0=0 / 8 and exit the learning mode


19. Operation after learning failure

The reasons for learning failure are shown below, and then after again. · The

elevator stops on other floors (except for the target floor) · The elevator speed

curve is abnormal.

· Layer selector failure

· Expansion volume GRS corrected value over 200mm (please contact the Engineering

Headquarters). · The expansion capacity of the traction wire rope exceeds 200mm (please

contact the Engineering headquarters).

[matte r s n eed atte n tio n ]

1. In the learning operation, when the elevator reaches the target layer, if the elevator stops

outside the area of the leveling layer, it is necessary to make the elevator run to the leveling

layer area after the action or through the maintenance mode, and then confirm to enter the learning mode and conduct the next learning operation. (Show that [", not [4])

If the elevator does not stop in the re-level area (display ["] instead of [4]), the elevator will not be able to perform the next learning run.

4. Work during comfort adjustment

4-1. Manually adjust the expansion GRS, and the corrected value [SET 1 / 0=AC] · adjust the expansion GRS correction


(If the bottom GRS correction value increases, the elevator bottom level level position will be insufficient; if the bottom GRS correction value decreases, the elevator bottom level position will be excessive)

① Confirm that the elevator is stopped.

"SET 1 / SET 0 = A / C" is set on the P1 board, and sW 1 moves down into the mode.

③ Through SW 2 to change the "bot" display value on the digital tube, and SW 1 to dial down to confirm.

④ For example, adjust the display value to "b005" (5mm) or "b012" (12mm), SW 1 dial down to confirm. SW 1 moves up to change the target bit to be set (the decimal point under the

selected digital tube lights up)

SW 2 moves up and down, change the value by one bit, and SW 1 moves down to confirm the value (write to the parameter).

⑤ After the adjustment, set the "SET 1 / SETO = 0 / 8" exit adjustment mode.


adjusted dose

Adjustable range

GRS correction value (bottom level)

1mm / bit (decimal system)

000~150 mm